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抖音里面的英语儿歌 抖音超萌幼儿园英语儿歌推荐(2)

出处:妈妈育儿网日期:2018-09-08 14:32:33编辑:Rainbow

2.《Ten little Indians》十个小印第安人

One little two little three Indians(一个两个三个小印第安人), four little five little six little Indians(四个五个六个小印第安人),

seven little eight little nine little Indians(七个八个九个小印第安人),ten little Indian boys(十个小印第安人)。

3.《Goodbye Song》再见

Clap your hands(拍拍你的手),Spin around(转转圈),Jump up high(高高跳起来),OK(好的);

Clap your hands(拍拍你的手),Sit down(坐下去),Stand up(站起来)1 2 3 4(one two three four);

Goodbye goodbye see you again(再见再见,再会),Goodbye goodbye see you my friends(再见再见,回头见我亲爱的朋友们);

Goodbye goodbye I had fun today(再见再见,我今天玩得很开心),I had fun today(今天我玩的很开心)。

4.《Brush your teeth》刷牙歌

Brush your teeth to keep them whit(刷牙使它们保持白色), Brush your teeth so your smile is bright(刷牙让你的笑容很明亮),

Brush your teeth it’s so much fun(刷牙真的很有趣),Brush your teeth when the day’s begun(当一天开始的时候就要刷牙)。


